Before Big Data became popular, major insurers were already collecting information on their consumers. A new kind of player is threatening to encroach on their territory today. Tech behemoths like Facebook and Google have made big insurance expenditures, armed with both customers and data. Take a look at some of ...

The 2022 Olympics are currently in full swing after being postponed owing to the one who shall not be named. Moreover, as an insurance geek team, we at Ancileo noticed that the Olympic sports embodied certain principles that insurers may emulate. So here you have it: 1. Synchronised Diving, the Synchrony ...

Introduction It is only natural for travellers to look for more easy and accessible alternatives to obtain travel insurance. As a result, it is critical for travel insurers and other industry players to properly position themselves across numerous purchase channels. Finding and capitalising on the appropriate channels can significantly assist ...

Introduction Inflation is a typical occurrence that impacts nearly every industry, including travel insurance. Travel insurance firms may be obliged to change their pricing as the cost of living continues to rise and operational expenses remain high. This might have far-reaching consequences for both consumers and corporations. In this post, ...

The  epidemic has caused extraordinary disruption to the insurance industry as a whole, drastically reducing company activity and upsetting employees’ and customers’ daily lives, among other things. Companies that draw a significant percentage of their revenue from car insurance, on the other hand, have had stronger bottom-line results during the ...

While talent has been a major focus for the insurance business for the past decade, the pandemic and the Great Attrition have generated a new feeling of urgency: according to a recent McKinsey worldwide poll, 40% of employees are considering quitting professions in the near future. In this new environment, ...